• “Suck it Up. That’s the Circle of Life, Kid.”

    “Suck it Up. That’s the Circle of Life, Kid.”

    I never liked the phrase ‘that’s just the circle of life’. It always came as the response to the sadness I felt while grieving the death of a kitten abandoned in the barn, or a bird who discovered too late the nature of a hard glass window. Without meaning to, the phrase dismissed my tender…

  • Monastery II | New Skete Monastery, NY

    Strike Two. My Second Monastery Visit is (Mostly) a Dud. It only took my second failed attempt to see a monastery to figure it out: monasteries are often closed to visitors. It would seem the monks or nuns living a communal life of prayer have more important things to do than to cater to my…

  • Permission to Launch

    Permission to Launch

    I’ve delayed and put off writing for so long. I need to leave the nest. Safe in the comfort of my surroundings, I have avoided the tug from my heart to write and to share my faith journey with others. I’m always buying time and saying I’ll do it next week, next month, next year.…

  • Monastery I | Carthusian Charterhouse of the Transfiguration, VT

    Monastery I | Carthusian Charterhouse of the Transfiguration, VT

    My very first monastery visit was a let down. I was so excited, this was going to be my first visit to a monastery! Expectations are a slippery thing, more often than not evading my grasp. Not only did not see anything when I arrived but in fact, no one can! Arriving at the monastery…

  • I Am Tired (*Unfiltered*)

    I Am Tired (*Unfiltered*)

    Despair was taking over. My questions and doubts were mounting and no one around me seemed to understand. I couldn’t fake it anymore. All I could do was write. This is the honest cry of my heart, longing for fulfillment; it is raw and unfiltered, a snapshot in time of my spiritual desperation. This was…

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