Faithful Questions.

Faithful Searching.

Faithful Writing.

There is hope for Christians going through doubt, despair and deconstruction. Through a stubborn refusal to give up my faith, I rekindled my love for Christ. This is my journey.

I’m Brittany, and I’d love to share with you my faith journey. From devoted Evangelical to nearly giving up on my faith in despair, I was propelled to go on a cross-country quest for God in order to salvage my faith. I hope my journey can encourage you or anyone you know.

“Seek God daily. But seek Him in your heart, not outside it.”

~ Saint Nectarios of Aegina

Saint Nectarios of Aegina wrote and spoke gently but profoundly throughout his life, encouraging the faithful and showing compassion on those who were suffering. His words radiate light and life still today and nourish my soul. I hope they will do the same for you, and that my journey toward God will be of encouragement for anyone who has grown weary on their Christian journey.

~ Brittany Van Soest

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